Vedder Price

Vedder Thinking | Events Hacking the Financial Institution Webinar

Reader View


October 3, 2017

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Central Standard Time

To view the webinar, please click here

Your financial institution has been hacked! – Was your institution ready? What are your next steps? Who is in charge? Who do you notify? Should you notify anyone? How do you protect your institution and prevent this from occurring again?

This one-hour webinar program will discuss financial institution specific incidents and focus on need-to-know cybersecurity issues and the steps your financial institution can take to protect themselves.

Vedder Price attorneys and Wipfli cybersecurity consultants will share their knowledge and specific experiences in advising financial institutions on these topics so that your institution can not only meet the cybersecurity standards that the federal and state regulators require of you, but also so that your institution may ready its cybersecurity program in the event it falls victim to criminal hackers.

James M. Kane, Daniel C. McKay, II and Mark C. Svalina, Vedder Price Financial Institutions attorneys, along with Jeff Olejnik and Marc Courey, Wipfli cybersecurity consultants, will lead the discussion and answer questions.

Topics to be covered include the following:

  • Cybersecurity Regulation and Examination in 2017

               -   What are the cybersecurity standards that your institution must satisfy in dealing with a data incident?

               -   What are the examiners looking for in reviewing your cybersecurity program and incident response?

  • Incident Response: A Step-By-Step Guide
  • Recent Developments: Wannacry, and The Next Generation of Ransomware

CLE Credit
Vedder Price is an accredited CLE provider in California, Illinois, and New York; and, when possible, a sponsor in Virginia.


Daniel C. McKay, II


Mark C. Svalina
