Vedder Price

Vedder Thinking | Events New California Employment Law and Recent Developments Webinar


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October 28, 2021

You are invited to join us for a complimentary one-hour webinar program designed for in-house counsel and human resources professionals, led by employment attorneys at Vedder Price, to discuss new California employment laws and recent case law developments.

Event Details

Thursday, October 28, 2021 | 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (PT)
Online Seminar

Who should attend: This event is intended for in-house counsel and human resource professionals.


Governor Newsom approved many new employment laws taking effect on January 1, 2022. These laws, together with recent court decisions, impose new compliance challenges on employers in California.

What is changing in 2022?

This webinar will provide an overview of many notable changes coming on January 1. Some of the significant new laws we plan to cover include:

  • SB 331, limiting the use of non-disclosure and non-disparagement provisions in release agreements
  • SB 606, creating new Cal/OSHA violations for enterprise-wide and egregious violations
  • SB 807, expanding the retention requirements of personnel records to 4 years
  • AB 701, regulating the use of employee production “quotas” in warehouse distribution centers
  • AB 1033, expanding CFRA leave protections to cover parents-in-law


CLE & HRCI Credit

Vedder Price is an accredited CLE provider in California, Illinois and New York; and, when possible, a sponsor in Virginia.

The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.

HRCI Approved Provider 2021 Seal


Thomas H. Petrides
