Vedder Price

Vedder Thinking | Events Employee Benefits Committee Midwinter Meeting


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February 16-19, 2011

The 2011 Midwinter Meeting of the Employee Benefits Committee, February 16-19, 2011 in Savannah, Georgia. You will have your pick of a huge variety of lively presentations covering the most recent and significant developments in employee benefits with national experts in their fields. Our CLE panels are practical, substantive and engaging, and present the perspectives of management, employee, union, in-house, government and academic counsel.

The EBC Midwinter Meeting is truly at the cutting edge and cannot be found at any other seminar or conference. Our Committee prides itself on welcoming all sectors of the labor and employment bar, and that is reflected both in our panels and our many networking events. Our substantive subcommittees cover a wide variety of issues, and you are welcome to join a subcommittee and become as involved as you like in our work. We guarantee that our meeting in Savannah will be both stimulating and fun. We look forward to a successful program.

Vedder Price is a Gold Level Sponsor and the following attorneys will be presenting:

  • Chuck Wolf: General Session, Welcome Remarks, February 17, 2011
  • Tom Hancuch: General Session, PPACA Review, February 18, 2011
  • Jessica Winski: Box Lunch Breakout Session, Wellness Programs with Teeth, February 18, 2011
  • Jonathan Hyun: Box Lunch Breakout Session, Single Employer Tax Compliance, February 18, 2011
  • Patrick Spangler: Box Lunch Breakout Session, ERISA Fiduciary Laws v. Securities Laws, February 18, 2011


Thomas G. Hancuch


Patrick W. Spangler
