Deborah Eades, Junaid A. Zubairi to Speak on New Form ADV Delivery Requirements
The New Form ADV Delivery Requirements, Contracts and Insider Trading under the Advisers Act
Speakers: Deborah Bielicke Eades and Junaid A. Zubairi of Vedder Price will be speaking on The New Form ADV Delivery Requirements, Contracts and Insider Trading under the Advisers Act for National Regulatory Services.
Description: Understanding the intricacies and implications of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (Act) is fundamental to the core responsibilities of any investment adviser compliance professional. A section-by-section review of the Act brings renewed focus to the root source of each requirement, many of which are likely to be encountered in compliance departments of every size firm. Everyday situations are incorporated to bring the Act to life, including practical advice about writing, implementing and maintaining policies to create strong internal controls that work within your firm's business operations.
This session will primarily focus on Section 204A of the Act. Section 204A requires investment advisers to establish, maintain and enforce written policies and procedures reasonably designed to prevent the misuse of material nonpublic information by the firm or its associated persons. The recent surge of insider trading investigations and civil and criminal enforcement actions involving Wall Street professionals is a reminder of the importance of an investment adviser having effective policies and procedures to detect and prevent the misuse of material nonpublic information. The panel of experts will discuss the development of the law of insider trading, recent insider trading cases involving securities professionals, and elements of an effective insider trading policy and code of ethics.
This session will also cover the recent amendments to Advisers Act Rule 204-3, which governs the delivery of new Form ADV Part 2.
The session will address SEC requirements for advisory contracts and provide an opportunity to explore industry standards in this area.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this course, attendees should be able to:
- Identify the elements of an effective insider trading policy to help detect and prevent misuse of material nonpublic information
- Explain and implement the requirements of SEC Rule 204A-1: Investment Adviser Codes of Ethics
- Implement processes under your code of ethics to effectively prevent and detect insider trading and monitor personal securities trading by adviser personnel
- Use the amendments of Rule 204-3 (Written disclosure statements) to determine what, how and when to deliver the new Form ADV Part 2
- Increase awareness of industry standards for client agreements
- Use practical tips to help improve your firm's advisory agreement
For Whom: Chief Compliance Officers, Ethics Officers, Compliance Staff at all levels, Management, Legal counsel, Auditors
Suggested Skill Level: Basic to Intermediate
Instructional Method: Group-Internet-Based and Group Live
Pre-requisites for participation: No prerequisites are required. However, attendees can benefit by reviewing the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, especially Section 206 & Rules 206(4)—1 (Advertisements) & 204-2 (Books & Records) to become familiar with the structure and terms.
Continuing Education Credits:
See NRS Continuing Education Guide
Recommended CPE Credit: 2
Date and Time:
July 19, 2011, 2:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. (CT)
The Gleacher Center
The University of Chicago Booth School of Business
450 North Cityfront Plaza Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Vedder Thinking | Events Deborah Eades, Junaid A. Zubairi to Speak on New Form ADV Delivery Requirements
July 19, 2011
The New Form ADV Delivery Requirements, Contracts and Insider Trading under the Advisers Act
Speakers: Deborah Bielicke Eades and Junaid A. Zubairi of Vedder Price will be speaking on The New Form ADV Delivery Requirements, Contracts and Insider Trading under the Advisers Act for National Regulatory Services.
Description: Understanding the intricacies and implications of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (Act) is fundamental to the core responsibilities of any investment adviser compliance professional. A section-by-section review of the Act brings renewed focus to the root source of each requirement, many of which are likely to be encountered in compliance departments of every size firm. Everyday situations are incorporated to bring the Act to life, including practical advice about writing, implementing and maintaining policies to create strong internal controls that work within your firm's business operations.
This session will primarily focus on Section 204A of the Act. Section 204A requires investment advisers to establish, maintain and enforce written policies and procedures reasonably designed to prevent the misuse of material nonpublic information by the firm or its associated persons. The recent surge of insider trading investigations and civil and criminal enforcement actions involving Wall Street professionals is a reminder of the importance of an investment adviser having effective policies and procedures to detect and prevent the misuse of material nonpublic information. The panel of experts will discuss the development of the law of insider trading, recent insider trading cases involving securities professionals, and elements of an effective insider trading policy and code of ethics.
This session will also cover the recent amendments to Advisers Act Rule 204-3, which governs the delivery of new Form ADV Part 2.
The session will address SEC requirements for advisory contracts and provide an opportunity to explore industry standards in this area.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this course, attendees should be able to:
- Identify the elements of an effective insider trading policy to help detect and prevent misuse of material nonpublic information
- Explain and implement the requirements of SEC Rule 204A-1: Investment Adviser Codes of Ethics
- Implement processes under your code of ethics to effectively prevent and detect insider trading and monitor personal securities trading by adviser personnel
- Use the amendments of Rule 204-3 (Written disclosure statements) to determine what, how and when to deliver the new Form ADV Part 2
- Increase awareness of industry standards for client agreements
- Use practical tips to help improve your firm's advisory agreement
For Whom: Chief Compliance Officers, Ethics Officers, Compliance Staff at all levels, Management, Legal counsel, Auditors
Suggested Skill Level: Basic to Intermediate
Instructional Method: Group-Internet-Based and Group Live
Pre-requisites for participation: No prerequisites are required. However, attendees can benefit by reviewing the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, especially Section 206 & Rules 206(4)—1 (Advertisements) & 204-2 (Books & Records) to become familiar with the structure and terms.
Continuing Education Credits:
See NRS Continuing Education Guide
Recommended CPE Credit: 2
Date and Time:
July 19, 2011, 2:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. (CT)
The Gleacher Center
The University of Chicago Booth School of Business
450 North Cityfront Plaza Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60611